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John Glenn
School Corporation
Home of the Falcons
John Glenn High School
Urey Middle School
North Liberty Elementary School
Walkerton Elementary School
John Glenn Education Foundation
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Non-Discrimination Policy
Web Accessibility Statement
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School Board Policies
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High Ability
Homeless Children/Youth Plan
Preschool Services
Before & After Care
Dyslexia Plan
Title I
Harmony Faculty Access
Human Resources
Faculty Resources
Special Education Forms
Help Desk
Sub Plans
Misc. Faculty Websites
Employment Openings
Human Resources
Students & Parents
Harmony Family Access
Supply Lists
Online Payments
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Device Agreement
Student Websites
Staff/Student HelpDesk
Library Collection
School Opening
Document and Forms
Free Meals Information
Supply Lists
Headstart Enrollment
Volunteering at JGSC
School is Open
John Glenn
School Corporation
Home of the Falcons
John Glenn High School
Urey Middle School
North Liberty Elementary School
Walkerton Elementary School
John Glenn Education Foundation
Events Calendar
Superintendent's Message
Staff Directory
Academic Information
Non-Discrimination Policy
Web Accessibility Statement
Documents & Forms
Public Notices & Information
Current Minutes & Agendas
Archived Minutes
Archived Agendas
School Board Policies
Board Member Login
Health Services
High Ability
Homeless Children/Youth Plan
Preschool Services
Before & After Care
Dyslexia Plan
Title I
Harmony Faculty Access
Human Resources
Faculty Resources
Special Education Forms
Help Desk
Sub Plans
Misc. Faculty Websites
Employment Openings
Human Resources
Students & Parents
Harmony Family Access
Supply Lists
Online Payments
Report Bullying
Device Agreement
Student Websites
Staff/Student HelpDesk
Library Collection
School Opening
Document and Forms
Free Meals Information
Supply Lists
Headstart Enrollment
Volunteering at JGSC
Contact Form
Contact Person
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Smith, Ladora - Preschool Teacher [#ERROR!]
Haddock, Kaitlynn - Cafeteria []
Barker, Collin - Treasurer [ADMIN]
Bendy, Tom - Business Manager [ADMIN]
Clark, Shelly - Admin Office Asst [ADMIN]
Fuller, Patrick - Director of Learning [ADMIN]
Groves, Will - Transportation Director [ADMIN]
Vincent, Laine - Admin Office Asst [ADMIN]
Winchell, Christopher - Superintendent [ADMIN]
Anderson, Serena - English [JGHS]
Ayala, Mallary - Resource [JGHS]
Baca, Jessica - Social Studies [JGHS]
Bajdek, Bret - Social Studies [JGHS]
Bolze, Tom - Athletic Trainer [JGHS]
Borrelli, Anthony - Math [JGHS]
Brown, Ron - Assistant Principal [JGHS]
Burch, Todd - Business/ICE [JGHS]
Carey, Jennifer - English [JGHS]
Carr, Jennifer - PhysEd [JGHS]
Chlystun, Katherine - Spanish [JGHS]
Davis, Jill - Math [JGHS]
Dietzel, Susan - English [JGHS]
Dodson, Rose - Science [JGHS]
Dolph, Nancy - Media Center [JGHS]
Duff, Tracey - JGHS Media Specialist [JGHS]
Foresman, Angie - School Counselor (A-G) [JGHS]
Goodlink, Dara - Math [JGHS]
Griffin, Amanda - Head Custodian [JGHS]
Haas, Heather - Science [JGHS]
Hannah, Christin - JGSC Case Conference Chairperson [JGHS]
Hensler, Renee - Secretary [JGHS]
Hoover, Ann - Guidance Secretary [JGHS]
Hostetler, Jane - English [JGHS]
Houser, Jim - JGSC Network Administrator [JGHS]
Hudgen, Donia - School Counselor (H-O) [JGHS]
Huo, Yuhan - Chinese [JGHS]
Irish, Leslie - Resource [JGHS]
Jankowski, Geoff - Resource [JGHS]
Johnson, Jeff - JGSC Maintenance [JGHS]
Kaluf, Morgan - Choral Music [JGHS]
Kitchell, David - English [JGHS]
Klinedinst, Darcie - Treasurer [JGHS]
Laskowski, Brian - Building Trades [JGHS]
Lichtenbarger, David - PhysEd [JGHS]
Lieto, Nick - Instrumental Music [JGHS]
Manering, Chris - Principal [JGHS]
Matthys, Christopher - AP U.S. Government [JGHS]
McLochlin, Dena - Math [JGHS]
McLochlin, Tim - Agriculture [JGHS]
Medich, Jennifer - Textiles & Fashion [JGHS]
Meola, Kieth - Instructional Aide [JGHS]
Merrill, Jeremy - Science [JGHS]
Middlebrook, Allison - School Counselor (P-Z) [JGHS]
Mortensen, Amanda - Mathematics/FACS [JGHS]
Morton, William - Falloween [JGHS]
Mulcahy, Mike - Instructional Aide [JGHS]
Nadolny, John - Study Hall [JGHS]
Nisley, Tyson - Math [JGHS]
Paschen, Lori - Cafeteria [JGHS]
Patrick, Laura - Math [JGHS]
Patrick, Lisa - Custodian [JGHS]
Pearish, Lexia - Secretary [JGHS]
Pontius, Randy - PhysEd/Assist Athletic Director [JGHS]
Rhodes, Jamie - Building Technology Facilitator [JGHS]
Richie, Scott - Social Studies [JGHS]
Schafer, Patricia - Resource [JGHS]
Schmidt, Abigail - Speech Language Pathologist [JGHS]
Schmidt, Loretta - Nurse [JGHS]
Slater, Nichole - Athletic Secretary [JGHS]
Smith, Glenda - JGSC Food Service Director [JGHS]
Snyder, Richard - English [JGHS]
Soleim, Andrew - Science [JGHS]
Spencer, Troy - Ag/FFA [JGHS]
Stanley, Joseph - Industrial Technology [JGHS]
Stephens, Eric - Athletic Director [JGHS]
Stoner, Vanissa - Fine Arts [JGHS]
Thomas, Karen - Spanish [JGHS]
Tibbs, Trisha - Cafeteria [JGHS]
Wallace, Rachel - Science [JGHS]
Whitaker, Jonnie - Cafeteria [JGHS]
Wolff, Patrick - Social Studies [JGHS]
Woods, Stephanie - Office [JGHS]
Zellers, Carol - Cafeteria [JGHS]
Allsop, Beth - Speech [NLES]
Anderson, Sandra - 2nd Grade [NLES]
Bajdek, Katie - 3rd Grade [NLES]
Batton, Emily - 6th Grade [NLES]
Beeney, Melita - Treasurer/Secretary [NLES]
Bogard, Jessica - Guidance Counselor [NLES]
Bogunia, Marcy - Title 1 [NLES]
Brown, Brandon - Athletic Director 5-8 [NLES]
Buysse, Kelsey - 1st Grade [NLES]
Carrin, Mary - Paraprofessional [NLES]
Ciula, Amanda - Paraprofessional [NLES]
Craft, Kelli - Building Technology Facilitator [NLES]
Crone, Pat - 6th Grade [NLES]
Diss, Hailey - 4th Grade [NLES]
Dome, Tara - 5th Grade [NLES]
Dreibelbis, Amanda - High Abilities [NLES]
Egger, Aimee - Nurse [NLES]
Feitz, Shania - Resource [NLES]
Fix, Melanie - 2nd Grade [NLES]
Griffey, Beth - Resource [NLES]
Gurtner, Carla - 1st Grade [NLES]
Harrison, Heather - Boys & Girls Club [NLES]
Helminger, Michelle - Cafeteria [NLES]
Hendee, Alexandra - Kdg [NLES]
Hess, Emily - 5th Grade [NLES]
Kosinski, Kim - 4th Grade [NLES]
Laberge, Annie-Michele - EL Instructional Aide [NLES]
Leodanski, Dena - Resource [NLES]
Lieto, Danielle - Music [NLES]
Lyszkiewicz, Amber - 3rd Grade [NLES]
Marks, Dawn - 4th Grade [NLES]
Martin, Sarah - Kdg [NLES]
McCoige, Shelby - Paraprofessional [NLES]
McGaughey, Jane - Library [NLES]
McNeill, Melissa - Paraprofessional [NLES]
Messick, Cristyn - Physical Ed [NLES]
Patriquin, Shaina - 2nd Grade [NLES]
Reed, Kyle - Resource [NLES]
Romer, Randy - Principal [NLES]
Ross, Jodi - Paraprofessional [NLES]
Savill, Brittney - Kdg [NLES]
Schelske, Melissa - Paraprofessional Title 1 [NLES]
Smith, Amanda - 5th Grade [NLES]
Smith, Glenda - JGSC Food Service Director [NLES]
Smith, Greg - Custodian [NLES]
Stanley, Kelly - Art [NLES]
Stewart, Marijke - 3rd Grade [NLES]
Stewart, Traci - Secretary [NLES]
Strong, Amy - 1st Grade [NLES]
Vickers, Patricia - Paraprofessional Title 1 [NLES]
Weiss, Amy - Title 1 [NLES]
Weiss, Michele - 6th Grade [NLES]
Werntz, Laura - Cafeteria [NLES]
West, Gail - Paraprofessional [NLES]
- Paraprofessional [NLES]
Alexander, Jodi - Instructional Aide [UMS]
Arick, Amy - Case Conference Coordinator [UMS]
Baker, Addie - Special Education Services [UMS]
Binkley, Adam - SPED/Resource Teacher [UMS]
Blevins, Max - Health/Physical Education [UMS]
Brown, Brandon - Athletic Director [UMS]
Buss, Andrew - 7th Grade Language Arts [UMS]
Celmer, Joanna - SPED/Resource Teacher [UMS]
Ciula, Hannah - Health/Physical Education [UMS]
Cooper, Lauren - GR 7&8 LA/SS [UMS]
Cummings, Angela - 7th Grade Math [UMS]
Custodians - Custodians [UMS]
Edelbrock, Kelley - Special Education Services [UMS]
Flora, Wendy - Kitchen Manager [UMS]
Gill, Amanda - JGSC Data Reporting [UMS]
Gregg Goewert - Principal [UMS]
Groves, Damon - 8th Grade Social Studies [UMS]
Groves, Jill - Family and Consumer Science [UMS]
Haas, Sean - PCC [UMS]
Hammond, Tresa - Assistant Director of Special Education [UMS]
Hannah, Christin - Director of Special Education [UMS]
Johnson, Debi - Secretary/Treasurer [UMS]
Kaluf, Morgan - Choral Music [UMS]
Keller, Kimberly - School Psychologist [UMS]
King, Katy - Technology/Media Center [UMS]
Lieto, Nick - 6-12 Band [UMS]
Mitchell, Ally - GR 8 Language Arts [UMS]
Morton, Beth - 8th Grade Math [UMS]
Nardi, Katelyn - Food Service Assistant [UMS]
Nicks, Kristin - Nurse [UMS]
Nimon, Heather - 8th Grade Science [UMS]
Pecsi, Stacy - Special Education CCC, SE Data Manager [UMS]
Philson, Kim - Instructional Aide [UMS]
Reynolds, Stephanie - Guidance Counselor [UMS]
Schmidt, Abigail - Speech Language Pathologist [UMS]
Schoof, Alyssa - Office & Athletic Secretary [UMS]
Simmons, Katie - 7th Grade Science [UMS]
Smith, Bethany - STEM [UMS]
Smith, Glenda - JGSC Food Service Director [UMS]
Spencer, Troy - Ag/FFA [UMS]
Temple, Jodie - Instructional Aide [UMS]
Wiesenberg, Megan - Art [UMS]
Amor, Amy - Head Start [WES]
Andert, LeeAnn - Cafeteria [WES]
Biernacki, Alexandrea - Kdg Teacher [WES]
Blodgett, Quincy - Paraprofessional [WES]
Bolze, Lori - Paraprofessional [WES]
Boyer, Heather - Paraprofessional [WES]
Brown, Brandon - Athletic Director 5-8 [WES]
Brown, Stephanie - Lifeskills [WES]
Chapman, Jamie - Special Education [WES]
Cole, Beata - 2nd Grade Teacher [WES]
Crone, Gail - 4th Grade Teacher [WES]
Cruz, Kelli - Paraprofessional [WES]
Cuskaden, Sarah - 6th Grade Teacher [WES]
Delinski, Cecilia - Paraprofessional [WES]
Dermody, Ben - 6th Grade Teacher [WES]
Dreibelbis, Amanda - High Abilities [WES]
Egger, Ashlee - 4th Grade Teacher [WES]
Ennis, Adhemar - Paraprofessional [WES]
Ennis, Lindsay - 2nd Grade Teacher [WES]
Geyer, Jennifer - Cafeteria Head [WES]
Groves, Casey - 6th Grade Teacher [WES]
Groves, Deanna - Paraprofessional [WES]
Groves, Will - Transportation [WES]
Haluda, Sara - 1st Gr Teacher [WES]
Hannah, Christin - JGSC Case Conference Chairperson [WES]
Hannah, Travis - PE [WES]
Harasewicz, Sharon - Secretary [WES]
Harness, Billy - 6th Grade Teacher [WES]
Harrison, Heather - Boys & Girls Club [WES]
Hayes, Pam - 3rd Grade Teacher [WES]
Hinton, Diane - Kdg Teacher [WES]
Hockett, Danielle - Media Center [WES]
Hoppe, Andrea - 2nd Grade Teacher [WES]
Horner, Korey - 1st Grade Teacher [WES]
Kaser, Kara - Principal [WES]
Keldson, Brianne - Special Education [WES]
Kelley, Robyn - Paraprofessional [WES]
Kopacz, Sarina - Kdg Teacher [WES]
Kraszyk, Kari - Paraprofessional [WES]
Laberge, Annie-Michele - EL Instructional Aide [WES]
Laizure, Bethany - 3rd Grade Teacher [WES]
Lieto, Nick - Band Director [WES]
Ludington, Jessica - Paraprofessional [WES]
Mattke, Amber - 1st Grade Teacher [WES]
McCoige, Steve - Custodian [WES]
McLaughlin, Linda - Head Start [WES]
McNeil-White,Kat - Cafeteria [WES]
Medesi, Daniel - JGSC Technology Coordinator [WES]
Meeks, Jeniece - 4th Grade Teacher [WES]
Morris, Monica - Paraprofessional [WES]
Norris, Natasha - 3rd Grade Teacher [WES]
Park, Jodi - Treasurer [WES]
Paschen, Amanda - Music [WES]
Patterson, Brooke - 1st Grade Teacher [WES]
Perry, Tracy - 5th Grade Teacher [WES]
Pickens, Heather - Cafeteria [WES]
Pletcher, Melody - Cafeteria [WES]
Porogi, Nikki - Paraprofessional [WES]
Reese, Ryan - 4th Grade Teacher [WES]
Richards, Leah - Paraprofessional [WES]
Ring, Ann - Technology Facilitator [WES]
Roseberry, Megan - 3rd Grade Teacher [WES]
Sherland, Ehricha - Custodian [WES]
Sherman, Heather - Paraprofessional [WES]
Singleton, Staci - Special Education [WES]
Smith, Glenda - Food Services [WES]
Sonner, Madison - 2nd Grade Teacher [WES]
Stahly, Alexandra - Paraprofessional [WES]
Stauffer, Rich - Counselor [WES]
Sturtevant, Kerianne - Speech [WES]
Swiger, Aimee - Paraprofessional [WES]
Thompson, Heather - Nurse [WES]
Thompson, Tiffini - Cafeteria [WES]
Tyner, Kiersten - Nurse [WES]
Walker, Emily - Kdg Teacher [WES]
Walter, Brendan - Art [WES]
Weiss, Amy - Title One Coordinator [WES]
White, Jeanna - Head Custodian [WES]
Wilsey, Kristy - 5th Grade Teacher [WES]
Zoellner, Janine - Paraprofessional [WES]
Carson, Christine - Board President [BOARD]
Egger, Jared - Board Member [BOARD]
Jaworski, Kathy - Board Member [BOARD]
King, Kristan - Assistant to the Superintendent [ADMIN]
Knowlton, Ryan - Board Vice President [BOARD]
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Mattix, Christian - Board Member [BOARD]
McGaughey, Todd - Board Member [BOARD]
Medesi, Daniel - Director of Technology [ADMIN]
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