Early Childhood Special Needs Preschool Services
Early Childhood Special Needs Preschool Services
- Who? Any preschooler, who is at least three and will not turn five by August 1st residing in the John Glenn School District or Union North School District.
- What? A referral to the John Glenn School Corporation preschool program can be made any time of the year. Evaluations are completed prior to the child’s third birthday or within 50 school days.
- When? Morning Session 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Afternoon is 11:30 to 2:00. The classroom currently has one preschool teacher and two classroom assistants.
- Where? The Early Learning Center, 807 Tyler St, Walkerton, IN 46574, 574-279-8001, option 3
- Why? Research suggests that early childhood services promote grade school success!
Service Options
- Consultation Services: Consultation services are available for students when minimal support is warranted.
- Walk–in Therapy: Occupational therapy, physical therapy and/or speech services will generally be provided at each preschooler’s home school. The length and duration of these less restrictive services will be determined at the child’s case conference.
- Speech Only Therapy: Is available at the preschooler’s home school. Sessions may be individual or small group and are generally 20-30 minutes long once or twice a week.
- Developmental Early Childhood Preschool:
Eligibility for this program is determined at the case conference based on the degree of delay and the amount of service needed.
Additional Community Resources
- First Steps – Early childhood services from birth to age three, based on your child’s needs.
- Early Head Start – Early childhood services from birth to age three, based on the family’s financial need.
- Head Start – Preschool services for children age three to kindergarten, financial need and child’s needs are considered.
- Private Preschools – Community preschool programs may be an option some families choose to consider.
Contact Information
LaDora Smith
(574) 279-8001, Option 3